Where are you Ash?
Hi Ash, whats happening? Grandad was in hospital for 6 weeks and went into a Nursing home for respite. I am not sure if he will get better now, he had a stroke ans can not walk without the help of two people. Very SAD. If you ARE OUT THERE PLEASE BE IN TOUCH, MAYBE HE IS HANGING ON TO SEE YOUR SAFE RETURN, so he cAN REST AND GO TO HEAVEN IF NEED BE. GraNDMA IS BEWILDERED WITH WHAT HAS HAPPENED. I am still at RPA and only takes me 15 mins to go to work. Still doing the cycling/Active Travel, bigger than ever now. Caitlan is in Japan working and Maddy in the snowy mountains. Please let us know you are AOK and come home soon. Miss you sooooooooo much and Love you all the time. Lots of Love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ashley Bindon is on facebook
Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 17:13:00 GMT+10
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